Saturday, June 6, 2015

Spittle Bug

Dear Lilliputian ,

When I was a little girl we thought this white foamy stuff was snake spit . Click on the photo and you will see how bubbly it is . . . but why we thought a snake would spit on plants I don't know .
If you live near grass that is allowed to grow tall . . . you might see this on the stems of plants growing in that grass . It is a rather funny sort of bubble bath home for the very young Spittle Bug . Wouldn't it be fun to have a bubble bath home ? Did you notice that the word spit is in this insects name ? That is because the scientists who named this insect thought the bubbles looked like spit .

Most , if not all insects grow in stages . Sort of like you . First . . . you were an egg , and later you were a child ,  and of course some day you will be an adult . Like an insect you look a little different in each time in your life . Insects have three stages also , and they are egg , nymph , adult . We don't call young insects children , we call them nymphs .

I am writing to you about the Spittle Bug because if you think like I did . . . you think a bug is just a bug and it is born that way . But they are very much like us in that they have to grow up before they become the grown-up bug , and their bodies change like ours change as they grow . Below are some photos of what I looked like at each time in my life and what the insect looks like as it grows up also. Remember you can click on the photos to get a better look .

Big Kid



Lets see . . . what is another fun book to read ? James Howe wrote a fun book to  read aloud or to yourself titled Bunnicula . It is about a mysterious bunny who was found in a movie theater and eats fruits and vegetables that turn white .

Until next time ,

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