Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ravens and Crows

Dear Lilliputian ,

The photo above is of a Raven and a Crow .  Both are friends of mine . I first met the Raven . . .  when he would fly over me while I was working in my garden and he would circle over head and talk Raven talk to me . I would talk back to him , but of course I would talk people talk . I started leaving a tasty treat for him especially in the Winter when food is hard to find . It was then that he started coming everyday and he also started to bring his mate . They would eat the snack together and then they would be all lovey dovey with each other . 

In this photo one Raven is sort of caring for the other Ravens feathers . It is what they do when they care for each other . They will also offer each other food and place it in the others beak . I think of it as a Raven kiss .

The Crow started visiting when he discovered that the Raven was finding tasty morsels left by me in my yard . The Crow and the Raven are like cousins in the bird world . Do you see how much bigger the one near the eggs is . . . He is the Raven and his beak is fatter than the Crows skinny beak . Click on photo at the beginning and you will see better . They both are very , very intelligent birds . They can even count . They can also make and use tools to obtain food in hard to get places . In the video link below there is a little basket with food in it in a glass , and the Crow wants the food but can't reach it . He thinks a little bit about how to solve this problem when he notices a piece of wire left near by . . .  He tries to use the wire to get the little basket of food but it doesn't work . So the Crow thinks some more and then decides to bend the wire to lift the basket out of the glass . There are not many animals that are smart enough to know how to make tools . . . we are one of the creatures of this world that can make tools and the Raven and Crow are also tool makers . Click on the link below and you will see the Crow making the wire into a tool to use it to get food .

Like you , the Crow and Raven also like to play . Below is another video of a Raven playing in the snow . This video is from PBS .

The Crow couple that have been coming to my yard for over a year now really feel that it is there home . Mr. and Mrs. Crow have recently had three baby Crows and they have been trying to show them that my yard is sort of a Crow Restaurant . They have brought them here to taste some of the snacks I leave for Crows . . . and this morning I got a photo of one of the parents bringing food to the Crow babies in my yard . When you see a group of Crows together . . . do you know what you call them ? NO . . . it is not called a group of Crows it is called a Murder of Crows . This is a photo of my Murder of Crows . 

A fun Summer read is Blacky the Crow by Thornton Burgess . Remember there is a Thornton Burgess Activity Center in Sandwich .

Until next time ,

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