Monday, May 18, 2015

Tree of Eyes

 Dear Lilliputian , 

I call this tree The Tree of Eyes because it has eyes on its bark . Most people call this kind of tree a Beech Tree . If you walk around a Beech tree you will see eyes like the ones above , up and down its bark . Some are large eyes and some are small .

The one above is a small one . . .  some of the eyes are as big as my whole hand .
Do you remember a few letters ago I wrote to you about how helpful trees are to many animals ? Do you remember the photo of the tree known as the Bear Tree with all the claw markings on the bark . Well , on my walk today as I was passing these trees I saw some more markings . . . this time of a cub that was climbing the tree .

Do you see how the little Bear cub used its small claws to grab on to the tree ? 

Now I am going to tell you about something most people don't know . . . 
Beech trees are also a source of food for Snails and Slugs . You are probably wondering how a snail can eat a tree . Well , it doesn't eat the tree it eats what is growing on the tree . . . Algae . 

I don't know if you can see in this photo above ( click on the photo to make it larger ) , but there is a very light green color growing on this bark , that is the Algae . Do you see that squiggly line ? That is a Snail trail . I am not sure how the Snail does this . . . drawing on the trees , but you must admit it is a very nice squiggly line . Do you think there is such a thing as artist Snails ?
I have read that it is the Snail's tummy that is kind of sweaty and it leaves a wet trail where ever it drags its underparts . This wetness drys and turns the Algae a lighter color . Some think it is where the Snail has been eating the Algae . Which do you think it is ? Either way if you walk around the next Beech tree you pass by . . . see if you can see if a Snail , or a Bear has visited it . And then if you have time . . . count the eyes and email me the number of how many you saw . 

If you would like to try to draw a snail I found this on line for you . If you need it to be bigger click on the image and it should get bigger .

I have two books to recommend to you this time . . . one is a picture book about trees . It is titled
A Nice Tree by Janice May Udry . Another book is called Tom's Midnight Garden 
by Philippa Peirce . This book is one of my favorites but it is not a picture book . . . it is a good book for someone who likes to read longer books and likes a bit of a mystery about a garden .

Until next time, 

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