Dear Lilliputian ,
I thought it might be nice to talk about a flower that grows in everyone's lawn . I know you recognize this cheery yellow flower . It is a Dandelion . One thing you might find interesting about this flower's name is that it comes from the French language . Dents de lion are the French words for Dandelion . If you say those French words fast you can see that it sounds a little bit like our English word Dandelion . If you translate the words Dents de Lion it means Lions teeth . Look at the photo and you will see that the Dandelion's leaves have very sharp looking points very much like a Lion's teeth .
The seeds form a lovely puff which is called a clock . Why do you think that is . . . do you think it is because it is round like a clock ?
I will show you what one seed from the Dandelion clock looks like .
The seed is at the bottom and the fluff at the top is called a parachute . When the wind blows the seeds come off of the clock and because of the fluff the wind is able to blow it as far away as five miles . I bet some of your Grandparents don't even live that far away . Why do you think it is called a parachute ?
I have heard that the Dandelion is the only flower that represents three heavenly bodies . The flower represents the Sun . The clock represents the Moon . And the parachutes represents the stars . I think that is rather charming , don't you ?
One more thing about the Dandelion is that it closes up at night . It is almost like you when you go to sleep at night you close your eyes tight . Then in the morning the flower opens up just like you open your eyes .
Isn't it wonderful to know that something that seems so ordinary is really quite
fascinating ?
I was thinking about chapter books that might be fun to read this Summer with someone you love . The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth came to mind . It isn't about Dandelions , but maybe you can sit outside and pick Dandelion clocks and try to blow the seeds up into the air while someone reads to you .
Until next time ,
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