Saturday, August 22, 2015

Black Bear

Dear Lilliputian ,

This past weekend , as I was setting up some tables outside for a family picnic , I looked up and saw a large Black Bear watching me . I think when the Bear saw the picnic tables he knew there was going to be food and was hoping that he was invited to the picnic . I told him he wasn't and walked away slowly , as did the bear . I don't think his feeling were hurt because as he walked away he found a stick and he threw it into the air and then fell backwards to catch it . . . then he scooped it up with his large paws and tossed into the air several more times . He seemed to be having a good day .
He continued down the field until he came to an apple tree and he stood up on his hind legs and he started shaking the branches of the apple tree and when a nice amount of apples fell from the tree he began eating them until he had had enough . And off he went to find another tasty treat for his big belly .

Bears can run really very fast . The fastest human can run 27 miles in one hour . But . . . a Bear can run 40 miles in one hour . When your Mom or Dad are driving you somewhere this week ask them to show you how fast 40 miles an hour is . . . and watch out your window and imagine a bear is running beside the car and you will have a pretty good idea how fast they really are for a big chubby looking beast .

As you know , Summer is coming to an end and the cold weather will be coming in just a few
 months . A Bear has to think about these things because he has to get his body ready for a very long
Winter . There is very little food for a large bear in the forest in the Winter and so the Bear has to start to eat lots and lots and lots of food now . To make it so they don't starve during the Winter they eat large amounts during the fall and their body becomes like a refrigerator and stores the food and energy so its body can use it while it is sleeping during the Winter. To let you know how much a Bear should eat each day to get ready for its long sleep I have compared what a child has to eat each day to stay strong and healthy . A child of 6 years old should eat a little over one thousand calories a day . A Bear during the Fall has to eat fifteen thousand calories a day . Lets see . . . that means you would have to eat 6 peanut butter sandwiches a day , that is a two sandwiches  for breakfast , two sandwiches for lunch , and two sandwiches for dinner . A Bear has to eat 75 sandwiches a day which means . . . 25 sandwiches for breakfast , and 25 sandwiches for lunch , and 25 more sandwiches for dinner .  Of course neither of you are going to live on peanut butter sandwiches . . . but you get the idea . Those Black Bears must have very big stomachs !

If you like hearing about Bears you might enjoy playing a game called Going on a Bear Hunt . . .

This book is by Michael Rosen 

Until next time ,

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