Dear Lilliputians ,
I start this letter with the first sighting of Orange Boy's friend . Orange Boy is , as you know , a cat and this is a photograph of a Red Fox , how can they be friends ? Good question , I don't know , but last fall we would see them together . Orange Boy and this Fox have been seen playing games . First Orange Boy would chase the Fox and then the Fox would chase Orange Boy . They seemed to like to run in circles . Sometimes , the Red Fox would run up the hill and then bounce down the hill like Tiger in the book Winnie the Pooh . The difference was the Fox would bounce on all four of his paws , not on his tail . He would do this until he reached Orange Boy and then run back up the hill , I think , hoping Orange Boy would follow him . but Orange Boy didn't know how to bounce so he would sit by and watch . Some times , they would sit in the field together and just enjoy each others company .
At the end of last Fall we saw the Red Fox go through the field with a female Fox . We haven't seen her this Spring with Mr. Fox . This may be because she is probably tucked in a cozy little den down in the woods with her pups . This is the time of year that baby Foxes are being born . A mother Fox can have up to ten pups in one litter . When the pups are all sleeping , she will go out and catch something for her little pups to eat . Like human babies they can't eat whole food , so the mother Fox will chew up the food she has caught until it is very soft like our baby food and then she spits it out for the pups to eat .
Did you know that a group of young Foxes are called a skulk , a male Fox is called a Tod , and a female Fox is called a Vixen ?
If you like the story of Orange Boy and the Fox , you will probably like the movie , The Fox and The Hound . And , because I know you like to read I would recommend the book Winnie the Pooh by A . A . Milne . . . just because it is a fun book to read .
Until next time ,
So cute!