Dear Lilliputian ,
This beauty grows up out of the leaf debris cuddled in its own leaves .
As it warms up the flower part of the this plant pushes up and beyond the leaves .
The Bloodroot plant is interesting to me for several reasons . One of the reasons is its name and the reason for it . If you dig up the root of the Bloodroot , it does indeed look bloody . Yuk . . . I know , but let me show you a photo of it . If you like ... you can click on the photo and see it closer . Just remember if you see this plant in your woods don't let the juice from this plant get on you it can be irritating to your skin .
Another fascinating thing about this flower is the way their seeds get planted . There are many ways that seeds get planted . Some seeds actually dig themselves into the ground , other seeds explode from their seed pod like the Witch Hazel , and some grow fuzz or fluff so that they can float on the wind to find a nice place to grow like the Dandelion . The Bloodroot seed is planted by Ants .
There is something called elaiosome that is on the outside of the seed that Ants love to eat . The Ant brings the seed back to its home in the ground and places it in one of the rooms in his long underground tunnels . When the Ants get hungry they go and eat the fleshy elaiosome . . . but they don't eat the seed , they just leave the actual seed in its new underground home . Now you know when you plant a seed . . . you dig a little hole and place the seed in it and then you cover it over with some dirt so it is underground . When the Bloodroot seeds develop this Spring in the flower I showed you up above . . . it will wait for an Ant to come along and bring it underground where it will rest until next Spring and that is when it will start to grow into a new Bloodroot plant .
Isn't it fun to learn all these nature secrets ?
Until next time ,
Lets see . . . I think a book you might like to read is The Story of the Root Children by Sibylle von Olfers . . . it may not be at your library but you can ask your librarian to get one for you . It is a beautiful children's picture book .